22 / 12 'Die Nähe' @Porte Leipzig
mit Gabija Vidrinskaite, Matthias Junwilhelm, Sascha Patzig und Adrian Mudder
Exhibition view 'Die Nähe' (left: Gabija Vidrinskaite, Middle: Florian Wenzel '6:Love', right: Sascha Patzig)
Left: Matthias Junwilhelm, Middle: Florian Wenzel, right: Sascha Patzig (clock), far right: Adrian Mudder (Snail)
Excerps from 'judge a book by its cover'
'Die Tafel IV' from the series 'Nicht ohne Titel'
'Tafeln I-III' from the series 'nicht ohne Titel'
22 / 10 'Closer to Sunshine' @Souterrain Leipzig
excerps from 'Die Gesprächigkeit der Dinge'
excerpts from 'judge a book by its cover', 2022
20 / 09 'ROH' @TANKE Hannover
Exhibition view "ROH" , series 'Die Gewissheit warum wir hier sind', September 2020 @ Tanke Hannover
Exhibition view "ROH" , series 'empfänglich für Geister' ,September 2020 @ Tanke Hannover
19 / 01 'Aequilibrium Vivat' @ Ludwigmuseum Koblenz
I will be showing "Die Gesprächigkeit der Dinge" and "Adventures in Your Own Backyard"
Exhibition view "Die Gesprächigkeit der Dinge" Jan 2019 @ Ludwig Museum Koblenz
Exhibition view "Die Gesprächigkeit der Dinge" Jan 2019 @ Ludwig Museum Koblenz
Exhibition view "Die Gesprächigkeit der Dinge" Jan 2019 @ Ludwig Museum Koblenz
18 / 10 'Die Gesprächigkeit der Dinge' @ Künstlerhaus Edenkoben
Exhibition view "Die Gesprächigkeit der Dinge" Oct 2018 @ Künstlerhaus Edenkoben
in front "Picknick in den Weinbergen" (115x175) blanket, paperclay, acrylic paint
from left to right "go on", "go on spezial" 30x45 digital c-print, "Kameras" each 40x50 digital c-print
from left to right 'früher waren wir besser' (2x25x15x4,5), 'Der beste Schläger der Welt' (70x30x5), 'Erst hatten wir kein Glück, dann kam auch noch Pech hinzu' (Diameter 30cm), 'Gucci' (80x8), paperclay, acrylic paint, lacquer, frames (40x50-80x100) with handpainted backdrops
'Kameras' paperclay, acrylic paint, lacquer, different sizes
'Gießkanne' (23x65x43), "Gartenschlauch" (75x120x8) paperclay, acrylic paint
'Ohropax' 50x70 digital c-print
'2 Weinschläuche und Kiste' (40x40x 70) wooden crate, paperclay, spraypaint, acrylic paint
18 / 7-12 Artist in Residency @ Künstlerhaus Edenkoben
Happy to be part of the Stipendia Programm of the Kulturstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz. I will be staying at the lovely Künstlerhaus Edenkoben from mid July till December 2018.
Künstlerhaus Edenkoben
17 / 6 - 9 Exhibition @ Kunstfoyer der Treuhand Oldenburg
Including parts of the projects "Die Tafel",
"Adventures in Your Own Backyard",
"P.M / F.W" and the single pictures "Fantasma" and "Sunset near Cape Sounion"
Poster for the Soloexhibition @ Kunstfoyer der Treuhand
'Leuchter' 50x75 digital c-print, 'Die Tafel' 75x105 digital c-print
'Der Wanderer' 50x75 digital c-print
'Rothko' 105x150 digital c-print, 'Eis' 50x75 digital c-print
'Costume Native american' 77x105 pigmentprint, 'Hats' and 'the bloody tissue of Billy the kid' 20x30 pigmentprint
'Native American' 95x75 pigmentprint, 'Mountain Man' 95x75 pigmentprint
'Collage' 55x33 pigmentprint
'Fantasma' 100x125 digital c-print
17 / 01 Antik Exhibition @ HGB Gallery, Leipzig
Collaboration between the Students of Heidi Specker (HGB Leipzig) and
Johannes Schwartz (Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam)
Exhibition poster 'Antik'
'Fantasma' 100x125 digital c-print, 'Sunset near Cape Sounion' 100x125 digital c-print
'Fantasma' 100x125 digital c-print, 'Sunset near Cape Sounion' 100x125 digital c-print
Roma Publications , ills colour & bw, 27 x 38 cm, pb, 545p. , 2016
Inlay feature 'Sunset near Cape Sounion' 20x30 pigment print