P.M / F.W
P.M/ F.W is a work about the dutch painter Piet Mondrian. An examination with on of the modernists of the 20th century who co-invented major principles in abstract painting. Radical purifying of the composition and the reduction of space within an image is one of his major inventions and lead into the neoplasticism.
I convert these mechanisms of abstraction to the medium of photography. The flower is the aesthetic, emblematic object to the photographic research of my artistic work. The still life photographs are referring to Piet Mondrians watercolor paintings of flowers he painted since 1900, to earn money for a living. They are not abstract in comparison to his neoplasticism paintings of his major oeuvre, for which he is best known for. But you can see some main aethetic aspects of the modern abstraction. The second part of the work approaches the flower again. From a different point of view. It is in the studio. the place of the process where the aesthetic peak of the flower photographs happen. The aesthetic gets refracted.
The mechanics of the staging are shown. The tools to hold the fragile flowers in position can be seen, as well as the painted backdrops, cans of paint, leaves and leftovers of withering flowers. You see everything you need to create a photographic place off beautiful illusiveness.
1 x 40x50
4 x 40x60
4 x 30x40
11 x 15 x21 digital c-print
11 x 58x88 c-print
Edition 4 + 1